10 on 10 | July 2013

Holy crap, it’s JULY. JULY!

Not gonna lie. This isn’t a real 10 on 10 (on the 15th!). We’ve been slammed with camps, sessions, parties, the pool and all the other fun stuff that summer has to offer. BUT, these are all from July, so that counts for something, right? “A” for effort. Go me.

We’ve been to the park ten thousand times, the creek, bought an unbelievably tiny pool for The Finney and ran through the sprinkler until there was a river in our yard. Also there’s 12 pictures, not 10. So sue me.

Want to follow the blog circle and see what my crazy talented friends were up to on the tenth? Click HERE to check out Sara from Sugarlens Photography!
Thanks for stopping by!




